Certain Adjustments

I hope you are enjoying this chapter by chapter discovery of Sherlock Holmes. It has been a bit quiet here and I'm sorry. I'll try and post more often however I'm also trying to keep posts to the minimum so you don't get bored. Comprende?

Some of you guys complained about the length of the previous post - Chapter I. So I'll break up the chapters to make them more easily digestible.

Thanks and have fun!

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About this blog

Thank you for stopping by the Club. I am not attempting to be an expert on Sherlock Holmes, there will be several links to that somewhere on this blog.

If you love the logic of Sherlock Holmes like I do, then you are welcome to discover him with me, one chapter at a time.

This was how I introduced my brothers to the great detective. I realise that digesting all of him at once can be an ordeal.

So if you are interested, you can either come here every week for one chapter of one of the books or you fill your email address below and have it delivered to your inbox!

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