Why Sherlock Holmes?

Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. But despite the fact that he exists solely in fiction, or maybe because of that, Sherlock Holmes is in my opinion, the greatest detective that ever was.

It was not just the high success rate of his crime solving, but the methods he used to solve the crimes. He specialized in the use of reason and logical deduction.

In my daily interactions, that is one aspect which I find absent from conversations - logical deductions. I am aware that not everything can be explained away with reason (faith for example), however, there is a premise or a set of premises for every conclusion. Or at least there should be.

This is why I decided on a Sherlock Holmes Club; where we can read and study Sherlock Holmes one chapter at a time.

At the Club, you can expect to:

  1. Get encouragement as you read;
  2. Have a place where you can discuss your observations and ask (or answer) questions;
  3. Heighten your sense of observation and
  4. Hone your deductive skills and logical prowess.
  5. PLUS you get to meet like-minded people and make friends.
If you have any questions, feel free to drop comments.

2 Observations:

Bereni May 19, 2008 at 5:34 PM  

A long awaited dream. Cant wait to see it unfold.

pipedreamer June 13, 2009 at 2:04 AM  

looking foward to exchange views and observations with felow sherlockians

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About this blog

Thank you for stopping by the Club. I am not attempting to be an expert on Sherlock Holmes, there will be several links to that somewhere on this blog.

If you love the logic of Sherlock Holmes like I do, then you are welcome to discover him with me, one chapter at a time.

This was how I introduced my brothers to the great detective. I realise that digesting all of him at once can be an ordeal.

So if you are interested, you can either come here every week for one chapter of one of the books or you fill your email address below and have it delivered to your inbox!

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